About once a month or so, we’ll have a customer come in to show us the “Mr. Gold” minifigure they purchased on eBay or Amazon for $60+, and ask us if it’s authentic. The answer is always an immediate “No”, especially if we know the purchase price. For those that don’t know the history on this, Mr. Gold was a rare LEGO brand Minifigure that was hidden in various boxes of the Series 10 Minifigure Collection – only 5000 were produced and released around the globe, so it is extremely rare and a true collectors’ item. For those that knowingly and willingly want to purchase a third-party produced replica, that is very understandable because it is so very cool. But… in almost every case, the buyer believes that they are actually purchasing the real deal, only to be disappointed and angry once they find out the truth.
An authentic Mr. Gold minifigure – if you can even find one for sale – will generally go for $2000+. Yes… $2k for a minifig! Anyone selling one will certainly know what it is, and how much it is worth – no chance of finding that rare Picasso in a garage sale here.
So… I’m including some pictures of a real Mr. Gold Minifigure, with some notes on what to look for to determine authenticity. Most important of all – the real deal will ALWAYS have a Certificate with a serial number and a registration number. Mr. Gold will be completely covered in a shiny gold overlay, except for his white hands. Torso detailing will be crisp and clear, and his tie will have two brighter stripes.
There’s no shame in getting a (good) imitation Mr. Gold – just know that you are, and don’t overpay for that either. Anything over $40 is too much…
(And on a side note… we see a LOT of fraudulent minifigures coming out of China and other countries – all through eBay or Amazon – many of them VERY similar to authentic LEGO, but not worth much more than a dollar. Please be careful, check the seller’s feedback, and know the return policy. Again, it’s fine to buy a facsimile if you know what you’re getting, but in most cases, it’s a big [bad] surprise).